Father Tanios Khalil on the “Days of the Season of Creation” Program:

All Creation is Inviting us to Glorify and Bless the Lord

All Church Traditions Confirm that the World was not Just Created for Man, but for all Creatures

This interview is also available in Arabic.


The Eastern calendar this year noticed some modifications, the environment knocked on its door to reserve its seat among the regional and international days the Middle East celebrates annually. The new environmental celebration starts on September 1 and ends on October 4 of each year, and this is reflected in the days of the “Season of Creation” for the first time in the region following the initiative of the Middle East Council of Churches to translate the international booklet of the season into Arabic.

This initiative stimulates Prayer and action in order to preserve our God given common home often facing danger. The “Season of Creation” came this year to push us to unite together and save all of God's creatures, especially since the Middle East owns a great environmental wealth throughout all its countries.

On the closure of this Christian environmental season, the importance of the environment in the heart of the Church must be emphasized. What is the Christian's thought on creation? How does the Bible mention the environment? And what about the Psalms?

All these questions were answered by the member of the Ecojustice Adhoc Committee at the Middle East Council of Churches, President of the Association of Institutes and Faculties of Theology in the Middle East, and Dean of the Faculty of Ecclesiastical Sciences at Sagesse University, Lebanon, Father Tanios Khalil during the first episode of the “Days of the Season of Creation” program broadcasted on Télé Lumière and Noursat. This special program was launched by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Council, in parallel with the celebration of this season.

Father Khalil pointed out: “all Christian traditions talk about creation and its preservation based on a reference, the word of God, specifically the Book of Genesis. It is true that the Bible presents God’s relationship with Man and vice versa, but it also showcases Man’s relationship with the universe and with other creatures, and his responsibility towards them. It is believed, in many Christian traditions, that God has given Man authority over creation, in other words to control it, but the Bible explains it differently.”

He explained: “the Bible mentions that Man was entrusted with the subjugation of other elements. The Book of Genesis indicates that God created Man in his image, and it is his responsibility as ruler and dominator to represent God in this creation and among creatures, noting that all Ecclesiastical traditions affirm that the universe was not created only for Man, but for all these creatures. Man is not alone but is in partnership with other existing living creatures and with the universe he lives in. As we read that after the flood, God made a covenant with Man and saved the animals as well.”

Based on theology, Father Tanios Khalil said: "It is said that creation is a Theocentrique reality, in other words it is centered on God. Therefore, we cannot see creation except through God and not from a human perspective. Redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ is not restricted to Man. According to the New Testament, it extends to All creation groaning, waiting for adoption.”

On the other hand, it was necessary to address the psalms that are read and chanted since according to Khalil: “They are distinguished by their diversity, they all praise God and remind us of the Creator. It is necessary to understand that creation is the property of God the Creator and not ours. We are called, with all of these creatures, to glorify and bless the Lord, and to discover God’s greatness through the making of His hands. Man should know his limits with nature.” He then wonders: “How small Man is in front of the immensity of creation? And why is he mistreating it?"

He proceeded: “Indeed, the Lord has given Man a privileged position amidst His creation, but he has also entrusted him with the responsibility of preserving it, developing it, and paying attention to it, especially since creation is our home. We must not forget God's love for us and for the whole world through Christ who saved the world. It is necessary for us to understand our position, a proxy and not an exclusive right to destroy everything around us. Hence, God's plan of salvation, with all Ecclesiastical traditions, lies in talking about a new heaven and Earth."

Let us Pray together and glorify the Lord with one heart, saying: “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.” (Psalm 8:1)

Communication and Public Relations Department


Speech of the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs at the Closing Prayer of the "Season of Creation" 2021


From the Visitation Monastery, Lebanon