It is happening now on the land of Palestine!

Dr. Michel Abs, MECC Secretary General .jpg

Dr. Michel E. Abs

Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches

It is happening now on the land of Palestine, the killing machine has broken all boundaries to destroy people, soul and stone- does it have a frontlet in the first place?... the killing machine,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that human hate has reached its limits and it springs up to hit people left and right,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that the child-killers have not yet been satiated by watching their weak body parts,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that the arrogant is high in his might, crushing the weak without any prick of conscience,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that the strong trade with the blood of the weak and drown in their comfortable seats and giggle,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that families have been completely obliterated from their very decendency under a hail of hate bombs and bigotism,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that families have become homeless and will sleep in the open for years that will follow,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that some people confiscate land from its legitimate owners, citing a mythical religious promise that was followed by a criminal political promise,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that myth has overshadowed reality and instinct has overwhelmed the mind, and the sound of the guns has overpowered the voice of reason, and no voice proves to be louder than the sound of the battle,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that we see in the pain of children and the weak, the Incarnate God, carrying his cross, ascending the way to Calvary, bearing the whips of hate, the looks of hatred and the shouts of ridicule,

It is happening now on the land of Palestine that the countdown has begun for the time of the Resurrection!


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