At the End of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity", Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs on Télé Lumière and Noursat: Every Day Is a Week of Prayer in MECC

Concluding the days of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2022, MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs was the guest of the morning TV show “Al Nour Maana” (which means “The Light is with Us) on Télé Lumiere and Noursat, to talk about the importance of the Week of Prayer and its outcomes this year, especially with the continuous work of MECC towards unity. The episode was presented by Lea Adel, and broadcasted on Tuesday 25 January 2022.

What is the importance of the Week of Prayer? How did MECC choose the theme of this year, and prepared the book of prayers and meditations? What is the Council's role in working for this unity? All these questions were answered by Dr. Abs during his interview. He, hence, highlighted the MECC structure and its member Churches, stressing that "every day is a Week of Prayer for Unity because the act of unity is manifested in everything we do in MECC.”

Here is the full video of the interview.


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